
Getting Around in trueSpace 5 and 6

Page 1

Quick-jump to topics in this tutorial:

  1. Help is available!
  2. Selecting views
  3. Finding the tools and options
  4. Creating a primitive
  5. Drawing curves with the drawpanel tool
  6. Selecting faces/edges/vertices
  7. Grouping and ungrouping
  8. Texturing (Texturing, Textures, Layers, Light emitting textures, Animated textures, Applying the texture)
  9. Lighting
  10. Animating (Animation Control Group and Animation Parameters, Keyframe Editor/Scene Editor, Rendering the Animation, Animation Paths)
  11. Simulations 
  12. Rendering
  13. Layers in trueSpace 6


TrueSpace has a unique interface which can baffle a beginner. What are all those icons? Where are the menus? It might seem confusing at first, but once you get to know your way around, everything will fall into place. The goal of  this tutorial is to facilitate this process for those starting out in trueSpace.  The tutorial does not go into details about all the tools available in trueSpace, but rather, intends to introduce you to the layout and navigation of the interface, so that it will be easier to get started. Once you know how to find what you want, you can delve into the different tools and possibilities by reading the manual and experimenting. That's the best way to learn!


1. Help is available!


There is a menu bar in trueSpace, though it’s pretty short and it’s on the bottom of your screen, not the top. Don’t like it on the bottom? No problem, you can change it – just go to File/Preferences, and choose “TopMenu” in the pop-up window. (I leave mine on the bottom, but if you like it better on top, go ahead.)

Also in the menu bar you can find the Help menu. Besides finding an online manual and help file, you can also check the "Help Bar" and "Tool Tips" options here (Fig. 1.1). I highly recommend that you make sure that these options are selected. This way, whenever you hover your mouse over a tool or option, you get a pop-up tip about what that tool does and also an explanation about it in the help bar (Fig. 1.2).


  Fig. 1.1  


Fig. 1.2

Here's an overview of the workspace: 


Fig. 1.3



2. Selecting views


When you first open trueSpace, you start out in perspective view. To center the selected object in your screen, double-click on it with the mouse wheel. To zoom in or out, turn the mouse wheel. The view control  in the lower right corner also lets you zoom in/out, pan, rotate the view, etc. You can drag this gadget anywhere in your scene by clicking on the big white ball in the middle of the tool and dragging it (Fig. 2.1). As you point your mouse over different areas of the view control, they light up. Experiment with clicking on these different areas and dragging - they will move your view in different ways. If you want to get the default view back, just click on the "Reset View" icon (Fig. 2.2).  


  Fig. 2.1 

Fig. 2.2


You can also select a 4-view layout where you can see your object from different angles at the same time (Fig. 2.3).  By clicking in the center, you get a four-headed arrow and by dragging this  you can resize the view panels. You can also change the view of each panel by clicking on the little house icon, holding down the mouse button and navigating to the view you want (Fig. 2.4). If you have the standard view open, you can also open up to 3 more view windows on top of this one and size and position each view individually (Fig. 2.5).




Fig. 2.3

Fig. 2.4  

Fig. 2.5


You can also view an object or a scene from a camera, light, or object (Fig. 2.6). To view from a camera, first create a camera by clicking on the Camera icon (1). Position your camera where you want it: select Object Move or Object Rotate from the top toolbar and move the camera (2a) or  enter the rotation numerically in the Object Info panel (2b). Next, select View From Object (3). Now you will see the scene from the camera's point of view (Fig. 2.7), which you can change with the navigation tools (4a) or by manipulating the camera (4b). To view a scene from a light or from an object, first select the light or object, then select View From Object. Now you'll see the scene from the point of view of the selected light or object.

Fig. 2.6


  Fig. 2.7


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Copyright ©  2002-2012 by Susan Lee.